March 12, 2021

Wicking Beds

So, what exactly are Wicking Beds?

At Auzzie Wrinkly Tin Tanks, a Wicking Bed is a regular raised garden bed that has had a watertight base added to it. The addition of a sealed base allows the retention of water in the bottom section of the garden bed and gives you a reservoir underneath your soil!

Setting up a garden bed in this way replaces the need to water your garden from above using methods such as a hose or watering can! Instead, the water can actually wick up into the soil from below keeping it damp and nourishing your plants.

The most effective way to do this is have the water sit within a layer of small stones such as scoria and then laying a sheet of geotextile fabric which also provides a structural barrier to avoid the soil moving down and mixing with the water. Scoria is a great stone to use as they are aerated and works collaboratively with the wicking process.

When ordering a wicking bed from Auzzie Wrinkly Tin Tanks will also install an overflow point (PVC pipe) so that there is no risk of over filling your wicking bed.

What we provide:
When you order a Wicking Bed from Auzzie Wrinkly Tin Tanks you will receive the following:

  • A raised garden bed suiting your required measurements with a watertight and sealed base.
  • A 25mm overflow pipe, a PVC angle and 500mm riser pipe (Enabling you to choose the height of your overflow by cutting down the riser pipe)
  • Delivery and placement of your Wicking Bed in your desired location

The Setup of your wicking bed and sourcing of all materials required to establish your wicking garden is unfortunately not a service that we offer at this time.

How do I set up a Wicking Bed?

There is so much information available on the internet providing different advice on how to install your wicking bed, the method that we like to recommend is as follows;

Materials Required:

  • A raised garden bed, you can contact us here to receive a quote for a wicking bed to suit your space.
  • Soil – Find out how much soil you require for your raised garden bed here
  • Agi Pipe or PVC pipe if you would prefer
  • Scoria
  • Geotextile Fabric
  • Water



Set up and position your garden bed, ensuring your surface is flat and level


Lay agi pipe across the base of your raised garden bed and run the pipe up one end to the top of the garden bed.
This is where you will be able to fill your wicking bed from.



Secure your agi pipe to the side of the garden bed in order to fill your garden bed in a later step


Prepare your scoria, and use some to hold the agi pipe in place on the base


Gently fill the raised garden bed with the scoria until you have reached just underneath of the overflow pipe. Be mindful of the silicone sealent on your base when filling your raised garden bed to ensure it is not damaged. If it seal is harmed during this process it will cause your wicking bed to leak and unfortunately this can not be repaired unless your garden bed is empty.


Level out the scoria


Lay geo fabric over the scoria


Once the geo fabric is in place, fill your wicking bed with approximately 300mm of soil. Ensure you do not cover the agi pope completely as you will need this to be sticking out in order to fill your wicking bed with water.


Fill your wicking bed with water via the agi pipe. Stop filling once water beings to flow out of the overflow pipe.